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Thursday 19 January 2012

140 Roosters Cockfighting Ring

140 Roosters Cockfighting Ring - 74 cited, 140 roosters rescued in Texas cockfighting ring

140 Roosters Cockfighting Ring - Investigators who broke up a cockfighting ring in South Texas have cited more than 70 people and seized about 140 roosters. 20 dead roosters cockfighting,

The Bexar County Sheriff's Office also confiscated blades, cages, harnesses and about $42,000. 20 dead roosters cockfighting,  roosters 42,000 bexar county,

A Texas Department of Public Safety helicopter was used in Sunday's raid in southwest Bexar County. 140 roosters cockfighting ring,  animal cruelty,

The San Antonio Express-News reported Tuesday that deputies cited 74 people and impounded 26 vehicles left unclaimed after the alleged participants tried to flee. illegal gambling,

Animal Care Services helped remove the live roosters, plus about 20 dead ones.

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